Tuesday, June 24, 2008

More ewe lambs for sale

Mature sheep and ram lambs for sale to follow in another post. All sheep are sold registered and there is a $25 per animal discount for group sales (3 or more).

1. White BFL ewe lamb Harmonymarsh Sapphire. Perfect conformation, large twin, super fleece, UK genetics, may carry black pattern (both sire and dam carry it recessively) $500.00

2.Fawn katmoget smirslet out of Harmonymarsh Avalon and Willowgarden Sudan. Carries spots and modifed, should have a superior fleece Ab Aa Bb Bb SS Ss MM Mm. $300.00

3. White ewe lamb out of Willowgarden Cumin by Harmonymarsh Apollo. May carry katmoget, moorit and black as well as spotting. Very uniform, soft, crimpy fleece. $350.00

4. Moorit ewe lamb out of Willowgarden Apricot and Willowgarden Bassa. UK genetics, sire is a recent US import, carries spots, large, perfect lamb! Aa Aa Bb Bb SS Ss SOLD

5. Moorit ewe lamb out of Harmonymarsh Ashado by Willowgarden Sudan. Carries spots and modified, nice fleece $300.00

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Shetland ewe lambs for sale

Here are some of the ewe lambs available for sale this year. I am so impressed with the rams that we used last fall, the lambs have exceeded all expectations!

1. Harmonymarsh Pandora - yuglet, sokket, fawn katmoget Ab Aa Bb Bb Ss Ss and may carry modifier. Lovely longer stapled fleece with crimp, dam is from a non-fading line. $250.00

2. Ewe lamb out of Willowgarden Tracey Chapman and Willowgarden Sudan. Moorit carrying spots and modified. Aa Aa Bb Bb SS Ss MM Mm. Excellent fleece, conformation and great presence! SOLD

3. Ewe lamb out of Harmonymarsh Abagail and Willowgarden Sudan - Black, carries moorit, spots and modified Aa Aa BB Bb SS Ss MM Mm. $250

4. Ewe lamb out of Harmonymarsh Alice (wht) and Harmonymarsh Archimedes (katmoget)-white likely carries spots, may carry katmoget and modified. Awt A? BB B? S? S? MM M? Very crimpy soft fleece. Some UK genetics. $250

5. Ewe lamb out of Willowgarden Fuji (grey emsket) and HarmonyMarsh Aslan (katmoget carrying modified) -black/emsket/dark brown carrying spots and is possibly modified. Aa Aa BB B? SS Ss M? Mm waiting to see which way fleece colour goes but the quality is incredible. Very soft, fine and crimpy. Large, very correct lamb. $300

6. Harmonymarsh Zambia - black krunet flecket, Aa Aa BB Bb Ss Ss MM Mm longer more intermediate fleece, correct conformation,carries moorit and modified, cute cute cute! $250

This is Pandora again from above.

7. Ewe lamb out of Harmonymarsh Aubergine and Willowgarden Sudan. Mioget yuglet flecket Aa Aa Bb Bb Ss Ss Mm Mm. Depending on the ram this girl can have lambs of any Shetland colour! Very fine crimpy fleece, friendly too! SOLD

8. Ewe lamb out of Willowgarden Gala and Harmonymarsh Aslan- Emsket yuglet, flecket Aa Aa BB B? Ss Ss Mm Mm -some UK genetics, stunning lamb, amazing fleece! SOLD

9. Harmonymarsh Lily of the Valley - black katmoget, smirslet Ab Aa BB Bb SS Ss, another fantastic lamb, dam won best yearling ewe and most like the original importation at the 2005 NASSA AGM show. $250